


没有她无可挑剔的组织能力和超前思考的能力, 雅各布斯的一些重要项目就会泡汤. 

担任城市韧性全球负责人, Susanne Torriente (Susy)为我们的业务提供战略支持, breaking down complex issues into manageable solutions and fostering collaboration across our global team.

She leverages 正规博彩十大网站排名’ broad base resilience skills to deliver integrated solutions to city, 工业, 企业和机构客户, and taps into her background in organizational strategic planning to offer a wider lens to plan for tomorrow.

“我不是科学家或工程师——我的优势在于把人们聚集在一起, 倾听和学习,努力帮助他们实现目标. 我能解决复杂的问题, 分解它们, 把合适的人聚在一起解决问题. 合作和跨部门工作对我来说是很自然的.”




苏西对可持续发展的热情, climate adaptation and resilience has been nurtured through her more than 30 years of local government experience in Florida. 她开创了几项“第一”——迈阿密戴德县首位可持续发展主任, where she developed the county’s first sustainability and climate action plan (GreenPrint) and first chief resilience officer (CRO) for the City of Miami Beach.

她是佛罗里达东南部气候变化契约的创始成员之一, the first climate change regional collaborative created to plan for climate adaptation and mitigation across municipal boundaries. 

苏西认为,韧性从来不是由一个部门决定的,而是, 而, 通知所有部门的事情. 它不是一个烟囱, 它与每个烟囱是水平的,这种方法改善了整体治理. She’s particularly proud of being part of 100 Resilient Cities and through that opportunity, 将这些资源带到迈阿密海滩市. Those resources allowed them to update a strategic plan that had been dormant for four years and update it through the lens of resilience.

弹性城市现在是她关注的重点, 她将当地政府的经验和可持续发展的知识融入其中. 与我们的主题专家合作, 她可以与您合作,将弹性解决方案纳入您的计划和政策.

Susy holds a bachelor of arts in english and a master of public administration from the University of Miami and has 分享d her experiences at hundreds 的气候, sustainability and resilience conferences around the world over the past more than 11 years.


  • 100 +

    的气候, sustainability and resilience conferences around the world that she's 分享d her experience at over the last decade

  • 4.5 K+


  • 29

    years she served in south Florida government, providing resilient solutions for rising climate risks